Writer's Next Step

Helping you take the next step in your writing career

Writers Unite

Can I be honest with you?



Ok, I gotta tell ya, I’m getting a little tired of writing about writing.

That’s why I got so excited when my friend Jim Woods announced the month of October for Writers Unite, a time for those of us who call ourselves writers (whether we get paid for our words or not) to rekindle our passion for the written word, and set aside the distractions of platform building and social media and traffic analysis.

For me, the fact that this coincides with this new chapter in my life…Bonus!

So you might have noticed that my blog posts have been a little sporadic lately.  It’s not an indication that I’m losing steam; quite the opposite.  For my Writers Unite focus this month, I’m taking two writing classes (Short Story with Andi Cumbo, and TribeWriters with Jeff Goins) and I’ve started an exciting book project for our church.  Oh…and settling into my new role with Adventures in Missions, too.

I never imagined that I’d be this busy, this fast…but I’m thankful for every little bit of it.

Every day, I’m able to thank God for the blessings in my life and for giving me the opportunity to inspire people and encourage them with my words. And every day, I thank Him for putting people in my life who encourage me to improve and grow as an artist and as a person.

Thanks for taking this little journey with me, y’all!

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About Christine

I’m a writer, a recovering project manager, and a corporate refugee with a passion to share the lessons I've learned. I've worked with bestselling authors to launch nearly a million dollars' worth of books and online courses. I've seen what works (and what doesn't), and I know what it takes for a growing writer to get your work out and grow as you go.

3 Replies

  1. Christine,

    I’ve been doing the same thing. I’ve REALLY cut back on Facebook, Hootsuite, Marketing, and social media–all for the sake of writing!

    I’m with you. Let’s write!

    1. Christine

      GREAT, David! It’s so easy to get distracted by all of it…

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