Writer's Next Step

Helping you take the next step in your writing career

Moving Day

I do not want to move.

I hate to move.

Packing up all your crap in boxes, ADD-Me coming out of hiding and reading the newspaper we use to wrap our fragile items.  Throwing away treasures that you haven’t touched in years, but that you know you’ll need the moment the garbage man is gone.  Checking the house for the 17th time before you close and lock the door one last time.

Moving a blog is like that too.  The big things, the words, they move easily.  They stack well in boxes, and unpack in order in the new place.  The photos, the memories, not so much.

But as with moving house, sometimes moving the blog is a necessary investment in the future, providing extra bedrooms and a finished basement–room to fix it up and to grow.

Once you’ve found the right house and closed the deal, you choose a strategic time to move–a time when your closest friends are around to help you carry the heaviest stuff, and then everyone helps you settle in with a big old housewarming party.

My blog is moving.  Come to my blogwarming party!!  Open house all day.  Come by, check it out, click here and leave a comment, help our new house feel like home.


(p.s.  special thanks to the fabulous Rob Niles at Corporate Communication Solutions for hooking me up with the site.  Check him out at www.ccsinc-online.com )

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About Christine

I’m a writer, a recovering project manager, and a corporate refugee with a passion to share the lessons I've learned. I've worked with bestselling authors to launch nearly a million dollars' worth of books and online courses. I've seen what works (and what doesn't), and I know what it takes for a growing writer to get your work out and grow as you go.

14 Replies

  1. John Sturgeon

    I passed your blog data on to our 7 kids, brother [retired school Supt] and my brother in law.

    I like the depth of your thoughts and your clear, easy to read writing style.

    Uncle John Sturgeon

    1. Christine

      Thanks so much for visiting and sharing!!! You brought a smile to my face on a super-early morning. I appreciate the support and encouragement!

      1. Gary Durham

        Having sold my house and just moved, you very accuratly described a move for a younger person. Its amazing to me that I can belong to a gym, have a trainer and never really experience soreness. Along comes a move with packing and moving boxes, …many boxes. And more back pain than I’ve felt in a while. How much is a lot of pain, as I write this I’m enjoying a new office fixture, a heating pad. I moved on the 17th.

        I have a similar desire, in the teaching arena. Best of luck to you Christine!

        1. Christine

          Thanks, Gary! Two words for you, my friend….Bio Freeze! That stuff works miracles for achy muscles. Get the roll-on kind so it doesn’t stink up your fingers, though!

  2. Mark

    Moving day is a day full of mixed emotions. Leaving something old and familiar for something new, different and exciting. I’m very proud of all the work you have done to unpack, arrange, and decorate the walls of your new blog with your words that make us all think, connect, and be inspired!

    1. Christine

      There’s no way I could do this without you, my amazing husband. Thanks for your never-ending support and encouragement….and thanks for not complaining that I wake you up at 5 when I forget to grind the coffee the night before. I love you!!!

  3. Linda Elliott

    Congrats on the site – it’s awesome! We just got rid of our “pink” room (it was really coral but nobody seemed to get that except me), so maybe we’re starting a trend! I LOVE your blogs – you somehow put into words what I often think and in a way that makes me laugh instead of mad or ashamed or scared. Thanks for sharing yourself the way you do and please keep it up!

    1. Christine

      Linda, yeah, the pink on the old blog was great when Mash was away from us and it reminded me of her whenever I posted….but now it just bugged me every time I saw it! You are such a special friend, and no matter what kind of crazy crap I say, you always make me feel like it was worth saying. Thanks for always being there for me!

  4. Dick and Sara Niles

    Dear Christine–Dad and I are so proud of you for going for your dream. we think you have real talent and so enjoy reading your blog. It also gives us another window into all that you are–your thoughts and feelings. Mom(Sara)

    1. Christine

      Dick and Sara, I wouldn’t be here without your amazing sons…BOTH of them! Mark is obvious……but Rob set this site up for me and is hosting it and not complaining to me at all about all the stupid questions I ask that he’s already answered! And Becky stopped by and just made me smile today, too. You guys have created a legacy that will continue on through your amazing grandkids and beyond. Thanks for being an incredible marriage model, and for always supporting us!

  5. Laura Z

    Beneath all the boxes, chaos, stuff in disarray and the feeling of loss of control is – A fresh, new start. Thanks for sharing your new start with me. Lots of luck finding a spot for all the things that need to be unpacked. I can not wait to see were they end up!

    1. Christine

      Laura, if my words are even half as beautiful as your photographs, I will be proud to write and share them. Thanks to YOU for sharing your artistic eye and your appreciation of the beauty in this world.

  6. Colleen J

    Blew me out of the water!! Knowing you, I’m sure your blog will be everything you want and MORE!! You go!

    1. Christine

      Colleen, thanks so much for your love and support….I’m so glad that you’ve become a part of this family!!

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