my ear cries out
my brain is a scrambled egg
i hate being sick

My brain on ill
Sick I am. dreaming of french kitchens and flying people. Watching every episode of Castle stored on the TiVo.
“We have met the enemy and he is us”
What I’ve learned: How much is too much. I am my worst enemy.
The last few weeks I’ve packed too much in, and my body finally cried “Uncle!” I need to find a better balance. Scale back a little bit.
And as hard as it is to do, one thing I need to pull back just a little: blogging. In my push to post three times a week, other writing projects, posts for friends and quality are all suffering. My ability to encourage and support others is faltering. I am not keeping up.
So I’m dropping back to the schedule from last fall: two posts a week. Mondays and Thursdays. Every once in a while I might throw a special one in…a review of a great new book from an independent writer, or step-by-step photos of The Piecaken Experiment.
But you can count on me twice a week for something that helps you chase a dream, help an orphan, or encourage your adoption journey. And if you support me in this, you’ll get first peek at some of the fun, bigger projects I have in the drafts file for the year.
I hope you’ll be ok with that.
If you want to make sure you don’t miss anything, don’t forget to subscribe to receive posts by email at the top of the right sidebar over here —>
Have you ever overcommitted yourself? Tell me about it so I don’t feel so bad?
Photo credit: Great British Chefs (Creative Commons)
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About Christine
I’m a writer, a recovering project manager, and a corporate refugee with a passion to share the lessons I've learned. I've worked with bestselling authors to launch nearly a million dollars' worth of books and online courses. I've seen what works (and what doesn't), and I know what it takes for a growing writer to get your work out and grow as you go.
Yes, I’ve overcommitted. Let me rephrase that – I’m currently overcommitted and you have inspired me to say “uncle!” and fess up, then uncommit to a couple things. Thank you! I’ll miss the extra post but it’ll make me more appreciative of the other 2! Feel better!
Big hugs. We’ll uncommit together! And I am feeling a slight bit better than yesterday. I can string two sentences together about loosely related topics today. Yay.
Definitely. Learning to choose wisely what I can commit or not commit to. I feel your pain!
Why is it so hard to learn to make those choices?
Oh how I can relate. I’m overcommitted right now and I just agreed to take on another big project at work. I’m going to have to do some serious thinking about what I have time for and what I don’t. Thanks for posting this. Sorry that you’re feeling overwhelmed, but glad to know I’m not the only one! 🙂
Sometimes it’s a comfort just to know others are in the same spot. Any progress on your intern?
I’m sorry to hear you’re slowing down, Christine, but health and sanity come first. Without those, you won’t be very productive. You’ve been on quite the roll lately, sorry it is taking its toll on you.
I feel your pain! I’m in the same spot. I stepped down from my supervisor position recently to take a weekend position, one reason for which was to allow myself more time to devote to the blog.
However, I have been working some overnight shifts (and getting my tail kicked in) in between Kathy’s new weekday shifts, so I am literally trying to keep up with posting on little to no sleep.
Not to mention, my ebook has been pushed back yet again. Not just due to funding, but because I have no time to do any editing.
Being home during the week is awesome, but I didn’t factor in that Kathy was excited to get back OUT of the house to work again. It’s hard to be creative around two toddlers without putting on the TV all day…which we refuse to do.
Although, I have been getting my fill of Disney’s “Octonauts”. Woo-hoo!
(Can you tell my brain is mush?)